Most people come to us because they need cremation services in Kamloops. My team and I try to make things as clear and comfortable as we can. We start by showing you the exact price for cremation services in Kamloops and the area.
Some people want us to organize a Celebration of Life service and some people prefer to do this themselves. We’ve written a free little booklet called “Drake’s Guide to the Last Goodbye: how to hold a celebration of life”. You can download a copy on this website or pick one up at any of our four locations. You’ll also notice that we provide funeral services in Kamloops and the North Thompson area. Although most people are choosing cremation and not opting for funeral services in Kamloops and the area these days, if this is your choice we’ll help you in any way that we can.
We also believe in making this time as comfortable for you as we can. We don’t wear black suits and we don’t try to sell you things. Our funeral homes are comfortable; we have sofas not board room tables. Our goal is simple: for you to feel better when you leave our place than you did when you arrived.